Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Honeymoon - Day 1

We are officially on our honeymoon!!  WAHOOOOO!!!

When Big B and I started talking about planning our honeymoon we had quite the disagreement on where we should go.  He was thinking Hawaii while I was thinking bigger...like out of the country bigger.  I figured that we had both been to Hawaii, albeit seperately, but we'd both been there and done that.  I have imagined my honeymoon as hot, exotic and somewhere that my husband and I can make new memories.  Hawaii had two of the three aspects while pretty much anywhere else had all three.  Anyways, Big B is very logical when it comes to decision making so I knew that to win this "battle" I was going to have to do my homework.  I crunched some numbers and was able to figure out how to get us to the Carribbean for about the same amount of money as going to Hawaii.  He couldn't argue with that and so we find ourselves in St. Lucia for the next week or so!

Let me just tell you, the memories have already begun!  Here are a few highlights from the last 24 hours:

- We're driving down I-5 about half way to the airport and all of a sudden my dad realizes that he has a flat tire.  It becomes very apparent, very quickly that we are not going to make it to the airport with his car.  We call a cab, inch off the freeway, pull over, pull our bags out and run about 3 blocks to meet up with our cab.  We made it to the airport with more than enough time but that could have been disastrous!

- Big B is a constant fidgeter and isn't too keen on flying.  This means that the entire 5 1/2 hour red-eye flight to Miami that he was constantly moving and could not sleep.  That of course translated in me only getting about 2 hours of sleep.  By the time we landed in St. Lucia we had been up for about 28 hours with what might be called a short nap.  You can imagine how pleasant I was feeling/being.

- We realized that all inclusive is freaking amazing.  We ordered what we wanted for dinner, had a few drinks AND had two desserts, and didn't have to worry about the tab.  How are we going to survive when we get back?!?!

- We crashed at about 7pm local time while setting an alarm for about 11pm so that we could hit the chocolate buffet.  We wake up, I sit up and realize that there is a GECKO crawling around on our wall.  I don't know if I screamed or not but I definitely did a little dance on the bed.  I'm sure that the front desk and housekeeping had a good laugh when we called them and told them that we needed someone to come take care of it.  I'm shivering just thinking about it now.

When we booked this trip we got a pretty good deal on our room so we had champagne waiting for us when we got here and we get breakfast in bed every morning.  As of now our agenda includes, breakfast, mimosas, beach and pool time!  Still trying to decide if we're actually going to come back ;)

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