A couple of weeks before we got married Big B got a letter from the HOA of the condos that he lives in. They cited a code that says that you can't have broken furniture, sports equipment, garbage, blah, blah, blah and said that we had a broken white shelving unit that was violating said code. I laughed because it wasn't broken, merely dirty and unused AND they had failed to say that his golf clubs were violating the code as well. ANYWAYS, I had Brian bring it in and told him that we would put it to good use once we were married and I had time to fix it up a bit.
Flashforward to this weekend!
I've been tired of the shelving unit sitting next to my cute dining room table and it was nice enough to be outside working on the patio so I set my mind to it and started in! I wiped down the top and inside bottom before I thought to take pictures, so just imagine those two sections as completely black. It was GROSS!!
As it turns out, the unit was a little broken. Two of the wooden pegs that hold the top on were broken so we went to Hobby Lobby and got some replacements. They weren't the same size so I had to drill the holes to make them bigger. Big B's idea was that we could use hooks to place the dowel on so I drilled holes for them too! I was really excited to use his power tools!
My idea was that I would put a little "curtain" on it so that it would keep out some of the dirt, hide what was in it and keep the shedding cat who isn't ours from making itself comfortable on our chair cushions. Jo-Ann Fabrics has all of their home decor fabrics on sale for 50% off so I found a print that Big B and I could both live with and bought 1 1/2 yards. I sewed around three of the edges and made a pocket big enough for a dowel.
As I was cleaning the patio earlier in the day I was trying to decide whether or not to get rid of a bench that has cubbies in it. It is dirty and right now I don't have anything to put in it but at the end of the day I had enough fabric left over to make "curtains" for it too, so it stays!
It's nearing the end of the summer so we won't be able to enjoy the patio for too much longer but I just keep thinking that next spring/summer we'll get some really good use out of it since I won't have as much work to do!
I love how my project turned out and Big B was happy that USC won 49 - 10!
Lil' B & Big B
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